5.1.8 MECSIP Master Plan.
A Master Plan shall be developed to define and document the details for accomplishing all tasks and subtasks of the MECSIP. This plan shall be integrated into the Integrated Master Plan
(IMP) and Integrated Master Schedule (IMS). The plan shall define overall strategy and the
time-phased scheduling of the various integrity tasks for design, development, qualification, and force management of the specific system hardware. The plan shall include discussions of unique features of the Program, exceptions to this standard, a complete discussion of each proposed task, rationale for each task and subtask, and an approach to address and resolve those problems which can be anticipated in the execution of the plan. The initial submittal of this plan shall shall record results of all the Task I efforts.
The MECSIP Master Plan shall be a living document, updated periodically throughout the life of the system. The Master Plan shall be initially developed during the Technology Development Phase (between Acquisition Program Milestones A and B). The document should organize the approach to include all elements of each specific system application. It should address contractor, subcontractor, and vendor equipment, as well as Government-Furnished Equipment (GFE) and Off-The-Shelf (OTS) equipment. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to address GFE and OTS equipment through an assessment approach consistent with this standard. The approach shall ensure that system requirements are satisfied and that maintenance requirements can be defined and included in the overall force management plan.
5.2 (Task II) Design Information.
This task encompasses the efforts required to identify and understand all technical criteria that will be applied to the initial design, development, materials, manufacturing processes, and production planning for each specific system or equipment application. The early definition of design objectives; the specification of subsystem design environments and usage; the identification of critical design failure modes; component and part functional criticality; and recommendations for materials selection and characterization, design analysis, and manufacturing process controls are accomplished as part of Task II. The objective is to ensure the operational and support needs are met. Tasking is initiated as early as is practical in the procurement. Several subtasks are iterated during the design development cycle and finalized later in the system development. Information in Task II shall be developed by the contractor based on instructions provided by the Procuring Activity in the ITO and supported by the results of Task I. A key effort within Task II is the classification of components and identification of appropriate control mechanisms for all safety-critical components and those mission-critical components which will not be allowed to fail in service.
5.2.1 Corrosion prevention and control.
The contractor shall define the approach to the development, evaluation, and incorporation of corrosion-resistant materials, protective treatments, finishes, etc. The selection of materials, finishes, and protection schemes shall consider the service-life requirements, environmental impacts, and sustainment costs. Effects of corrosion on the mechanical and electrical properties of the materials shall be established, as well as the suitability of dissimilar materials not to induce damage (galvanic effects). The plan to accomplish these tasks shall be incorporated in the MECSIP Master Plan. Implementation of this plan shall be in accordance with the Product Integrity Control Plan (reference 5.2.9). A MECSIP representative shall be included as a member of the Corrosion Prevention Advisory Board (CPAB). The Corrosion Prevention Control Plan (published by the CPAB) shall include MECSIP equipment.
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