w/Change 1
5.3.6 Source control items. Source control items shall be individually marked with the information specified in 5.3.1 or 5.3.2, as applicable, except that the notation "SOCN" shall be used in place of the dash (or slant) as shown inside the bordered example:
69807SOCN7654321-101 -- ODA, SOCN, and PIN
a. When specified by the acquiring activity, the item manufacturer shall be identified as described in 5.3.2.
b. The vendor's identification and PIN need not be removed.
5.3.7 Matched set items. At least one piece of a matched set shall be individually marked with the information specified in 5.3.1 or 5.3.2, as applicable, except that the notation "MSET" (without prefix or suffix spaces) shall be used in place of the dash (or slant) as shown inside the bordered example. Additionally, where marking is feasible, all pieces of the set shall be marked with a common matched set identifier to facilitate tracking and re-assembly (see Table VIII).
69807MSET7654321-101 DAI, MSET, and PIN
5.4 Altered or selected items (see 3.2). When an item is delineated on an altered or
selected item drawing, the item identification (see 3.2) assigned by the design activity specifying the alteration or selection shall be used to identify the item.
5.4.1 Item UID marks. Alteration or selection of IUID applicable items does not affect the original UII; i.e. any data element used to derive the UII shall be maintained on the item. Any non-UII data elements of the original item identification shall be removed or obliterated if this can be done without damage to the item.
a. Construct #1 - The altered or selected item identification assigned shall replace the original item identification. Figures 5 and 7 show examples of Construct #1 marks that can be altered by replacing the non-UII data elements of the original item identification portion of the mark.
b. Construct #2 - The altered or selected item identification assigned shall be placed near the mark as described in Figure 7. If the item bears a current item identification in addition to
the original item identification as shown in Figures 4b and 6, the current item identification shall be replaced.
5.4.2 Item non-UID marks. The item identification shall be removed or obliterated, if this can be done without damage to the item, and replaced with the altered or selected item identification.
5.5 Maintenance actions. When specified in the contract, purchase, or repair order, original identification marking shall be supplemented with information identifying repair or overhaul actions. This information shall be applied in close proximity to and readable in the same manner as the original identification marking. Method of marking shall provide permanency and legibility (see 4.3) required of original identification marking. Supplemental information to be applied shall include as a minimum:
a. Enterprise identifier (see 3.2) of the repair or overhaul facility.
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