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IUID equivalent. Unique identification methods in commercial use that have been recognized by DoD as IUID equivalents which are the Global Individual Asset Identifier (GIAI); the Global Returnable Asset Identifier (GRAI) when serialized; a vehicle identification number (VIN); and the Electronic Serial Number (ESN)/Mobile Equipment Identifier (MEID) for cell phones only.
Label. An item marked with the identification information of another item and affixed to that other item. A label may be of any similar or different material than that of the item to which it is affixed. A label may be made of a metallic or non-metallic material. Labels may be affixed to the identified item by any appropriate means. Labels are often referred to as plates (i.e. data plate, name plate, ID plate, etc.); however, label material and methods of marking and affixing have no bearing on this distinction.
Legacy item. DoD-owned items and end items that have already been produced and deployed for use, or that have been produced and placed in inventory or storage pending issue for use.
Lot number. An identifying number assigned by the enterprise to a designated group of items referred to as a lot. A lot may be further subdivided as batch.
a. TEI LOT. The TEI identifies a lot number that is not unique within the enterprise identifier but is unique within the original part number TEI (PNO).
b. TEI LTN. The TEI identifies a lot number that is unique within the enterprise identifier. Referred to as enterprise lot number.
Machine-readable information (MRI) marking. A pattern of bars, squares, dots, or other specific shapes containing information interpretable through the use of equipment specifically designed for that purpose. The patterns may be applied for interpretation by digital imaging, infrared, ultra-violet, or other interpretable reading capabilities.
Manufacturer (MFR). An individual, company, corporation, firm, or Government activity who controls the production of an item; or produces an item from crude or fabricated materials; or assembles materials or components or parts, with or without modification, into a more complex item. MFR may be used in this document as an abbreviation of the term manufacturer (see 5.3.2 for usage information). This is not to be confused with the four- character TEI "MFR " (three characters followed by a space) defined for use in accordance with A4A SPEC2000 and the A4A CSDD.
Matched set. Those parts, such as special application parts, that are machine or electrically matched, or otherwise mated, and for which replacement as a set is essential.
Mobile Equipment Identifier (MEID). The ESN is being superseded by the Mobile Equipment Identifier (MEID). The MEID universe consists of approximately 16 million blocks of 16 million numbers, compared to the ESN universe of 256 blocks of 16 million numbers.
National/NATO Stock Number (NSN). A number assigned to each item of supply that is purchased, stocked, or distributed within the Federal Government or NATO.
NATO Commercial and Government Entity (NCAGE) Code. NCAGE Codes are used internationally and are sometimes called CAGE Codes. NCAGE Codes issued to organizations located in North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) member nations
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