TABLE VI. Data qualifiers for IUID Usage (cont'd)
NOTES (cont'd)
6. LOT Lot number that is not unique within the Enterprise Identifier but is unique within the Original Part
Number (PNO).
LTN Lot number that is unique within the Enterprise Identifier. Referred to as Enterprise Lot Number
BII Batch Item Identifier is a subdivision of an LTN.
7. 25S is a data identifier defined as the identification of a party to a transaction (as identified by data identifier
18V), followed by a supplier assigned serial number (For UII purposes, this has to be unique serialization within the EID that assigns the UII data elements). Thus, for UII purposes, 25S must represent the following string of concatenated elements - IAC + EID + Unique serial number within the EID, which directly corresponds to a concatenated UII using serialization within the enterprise.
8. 18S. In the case where the EID is the CAGE Code, data identifier 18S may be used. 18S is defined as the concatenation of the CAGE Code (EID) + Unique serial number within the CAGE Code. This data element does not contain the IAC, which must be added in decoding to form a concatenated UII using serialization within the enterprise.
9. DI I identifies a U. S. Vehicle Identification Number - VIN.
10. DI 22S identifies a cellular mobile telephone Electronic Serial Number (ESN).
11. AI 8002 identifies a cellular mobile telephone Electronic Serial Number (ESN).
12. AI 8003 identifies a Global Returnable Asset Identifier (GRAI).
13. AI 8004 is the application identifier for the Global Individual Asset Identifier (GIAI). The GIAI is up to 30 characters and is a combination of the GS1 Company Prefix and an Individual Asset Reference, which is assigned by the holder of the GS1 Company Prefix. A serialized Global Trade Identification Number (GTINā¢) may also be converted to a GIAI using GS1 procedures.
14. DI 30P current part number is not part of the UII. It is an additional data element that may be encoded in the ISO 15434 syntax and placed on the item in a separate data matrix symbol, or, in the case of severe space limitations, it may be encoded in the same data matrix along with the UII data elements. Use 1P when original part number is part of the UII.
15. DI 30T lot/batch number is not part of the UII. It is an additional data element that may be encoded in the ISO
15434 syntax and placed on the item in a separate data matrix symbol, or, in the case of severe space limitations, it may be encoded in the same data matrix along with the UII data elements. Use 1T when lot/batch number is part of the UII.
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