3.42 Original design activity (ODA). The design activity originally responsible for the design and identification of an item whose drawing number and activity identification is shown in the title block of the drawings and associated documents. (see ASME Y14.100)
3.43 Part. One item, or two or more items joined together, that is not normally subject to disassembly without destruction or impairment of designed use (e.g., transistor, composition resistor, screw, transformer, and gear). (see ASME Y14.100)
3.44 Part or identifying number (PIN). The identifier assigned by the original design activity, or by the controlling nationally recognized standard, that uniquely identifies (relative to that design activity) a specific item. (see ASME Y14.100).
3.45 Selected items. (see 3.45)
3.46 Serial number. An assigned designation that provides a means of identifying a specific individual item.
NOTE: Characters are normally numeric or alphanumeric, with special characters as allowed by established standards.
3.47 Set. A unit or units and necessary assemblies, subassemblies and parts connected together or used in association to perform an operational function. (e.g., radio receiving set; sound measuring set, which include parts, assemblies and units such as cables, microphone and measuring instruments, radar homing set.) ("Set" is also used to denote a collection of like parts such as a tool set, or a set of tires.)
3.48 Source control items. (see 3.48)
3.49 Special characteristics. The pertinent rating, operating characteristics, and other information necessary for identification of the item.
3.50 Subassembly. Two or more parts that form a portion of an assembly or a unit replaceable as a whole but having a part or parts that are individually replaceable (e.g., gun mount stand, window sash, recoil mechanism, floating piston, telephone dial, Intermediate Frequency (IF) strip, terminal board with mounted parts.) (see ASME Y14.100)
3.51 Supplier. The party that produces, provides, or furnishes an item and warrants item compliance with the part numbered design drawing specifications and warrants the uniqueness of the part number within the enterprise.
3.52 Text Element Identifier (TEI). A four character mnemonic symbol identifying a data element. The TEI consists of three alphabetical characters followed by a space. Following the TEI will be the relevant data in the assigned data field. (see ATA CSDD)
NOTE: For UII development, allowable TEIs are listed in Table VI of this document.
3.53 Unique identification (UID). A system of establishing globally unique and unambiguous identifiers within the Department of Defense, which serves to distinguish a discrete entity or relationship from other like and unlike entities or relationships.
3.54 Unique Item Identifier (UII). A globally unique and unambiguous identifier that distinguishes an item from all other like and unlike items. The UII is a concatenated value that is derived from a UII data set of one or more data elements.
3.55 Unique Item Identifier (UII) Data Set. A set of one or more data elements marked on an item from which the concatenated UII can be derived. The UII types, limited to 50 characters, are as follows:
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