a. Interconnection box service areas b. Fiber count/types
c. Cable count/types
d. Identification of the fiber function
e. Interconnection boxes
- size
- Location (compartment)
f. Termination types FOCT configuration control . The block diagram and isometric cabling diagram developed during this phase should be the final design configuration of the FOCT and should be placed under configuration control at this point. Link budgets . A link loss budget should be calculated for each link in the FOCT (unless already calculated by the system designer) to ensure that the system performance requirements are met for each FOCT user. If the system performance requirements can not be met, the FOCT configuration should be changed (that is, connectors changed to splices, intermediate interconnection boxes eliminated, and so forth) to ensure all links meet the system performance requirements. MIL-STD-2052 should be used to compute link loss budgets. Fiber optic cable topology . Together the ship specification and the FOCT block diagram completely define the FOCT. These documents are used
as input to the detailed design phase of the FOCT design. Ideally, the FOCT preliminary design phase should be completed in time so that the FOCT detail design is done in conjunction with the ship detail design.
4.3.3 Detailed design . This is the final phase in the development of a shipboard cable plant design. The documentation developed in this phase should provide all the necessary information for the ship builder to procure the components and integrate them into the FOCT. The inputs used to develop this final documentation package are:
a. FOCT preliminary design block diagram b. Ship specification
c. Detailed ship construction drawings d. Fiber optic component specifications Design process and products . The detailed design process takes the preliminary FOCT block diagram and merges it into the ship construction drawings providing detailed information on the specific FOCT components to be used and their exact location on the ship. The exact location of the interconnection boxes within the compartments should be identified along with the location of the cableways that cables will be routed in. Fiber run lists, or cable installation interconnection drawings (CIIDs), and configuration drawings showing the terminations within each interconnection box should be developed providing the end-to-end connection requirements between system equipments. Finally, a detailed parts list showing all the components in the FOCT should be generated. The outputs of the detailed design phase are:
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