3.15 Local cable.
3.15.1 Local conventional cable. A conventional optical fiber cable that runs between an end user equipment and an FOICB (or outlet box), or between an FOICB and an outlet box.
3.15.2 Local BOF cable. A BOF cable that runs between end user equipment and a TRB, or between a TRB and an outlet box.
3.16 Minimum bend diameter. The diameter at which a conventional optical fiber cable, OFCC (see 3.20), loose tube furcation cable, or BOF bundle (see 3.5) can be bent without degrading optical performance, or the diameter at which a BOF cable or BOF tube (see 3.7) can be bent without kinking a BOF tube. The short-term bend diameter applies during handling and installing; the long-term bend diameter applies to the completed installation.
3.17 Non-redundant channel (NRC). A non-redundant channel is any allocated and used active link that has no system required backup link.
3.18 Normal channel. A normal channel is an allocated and used active link between system equipment that has a designated active backup link.
3.19 Optical fiber cable. A cable that contains optical fibers.
3.19.1 BOF cable. A cable that contains one or more BOF tubes through which optical fibers or optical fiber bundles are blown.
3.19.2 Conventional optical fiber cable. An optical fiber cable in which the optical fiber is an integral part of the cable and is installed during the cable manufacturing process.
3.20 Optical fiber cable component (OFCC). A buffered fiber augmented with a concentric layer of strength members and an overall jacket.
3.21 Outlet box. An outlet box is a small termination box used to break out a local cable from an interconnection box to one or more equipments in a compartment
or area.
3.22 Trunk. A set of trunk cables that run along the same cableways between two FOCP boxes (TRBs, FOICBs).
3.23 Trunk cable. An optical fiber cable that runs between two FOICBs or TRBs. Typically, trunk cables are run in the main cableways and have higher fiber counts per cable than local cables.
3.23.1 Conventional trunk cable. A conventional optical fiber cable that runs between two FOICBs.
3.23.2 BOF trunk cable. A single BOF cable connected between two FOCP TRBs or between a FOCP TRB and a FOCP FOICB. A BOF trunk cable contains multiple BOF trunk tubes.
3.24 Tube furcation unit. An assembly attached to the end of a BOF tube in a BOF cable used to separate the fibers and provide a cable structure to facilitate the termination of the optical fibers from that BOF tube.
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