3.1.11 Originator, SRP, DCP and DODCP roles. Originator. The Originator is the government representative or the contractor with the most knowledge about the RFN. The specified individual will complete the DD Form 61(s), and then submit the request to the SRP for review. Submitter Review Point (SRP). The SRP needs to be a government civilian and/or military representative for the specified Department, most knowledgeable of the nomenclature submission from the originator. Department Control Point (DCP). The Department Control Point is the official control point within the military department authorized to obtain type designator nomenclature from the Department of Defense Control Point (DoDCP). Department of Defense Control Point (DoDCP). The Department of Defense
Control Point is the official assigning agency of type designators for the Department of Defense within this system.
4.1 Participation requirements. The originator shall participate in obtaining nomenclature and identification of electronic materiel, as specified in the contract. Originator submission of a DD Form 61 shall be to the Project Manager's office Submittal Review Point (SRP), not directly to a Departmental Control Point (DCP).
4.1.1 Requests for Nomenclature (RFN). All RFNs for assignment, reinstatement, revision, and cancellation of a military nomenclature shall be on a DD Form 61, submitted through the JETDAS database. A separate DD Form 61 is required for each System, Subsystem, Center, Central, Set, Group or Unit. The DCP will forward the requests to the DODCP.
4.1.2 Notification. JETDAS will automatically generate an email notification to the DCP, SRP, and Originator of the action taken by the DoDCP.
4.2 Assignment of nomenclature.
4.2.1 Assignment/Use. All official nomenclature shall be used strictly as assigned meaning that nomenclature of fielded configurations will remain as approved, and field changes are not recognized by DCP nor DODCP until such time as a revision or new assignment is submitted for and approved. Nomenclature is not official and shall not be used until approved by the DODCP. Nomenclature for electronic materiel will be assigned to development and production of Systems, Subsystems, Centers, Centrals, Sets, Groups and Units. Specific materiel to which nomenclature will be assigned:
a. Electronic materiel of military design;
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